Trey nickel

My Work


Adra, The Oneirophant

LEXA: Blokecore Series

The Yeawman

Okamaru, The Hollow Blade


MGK Academy Site

Wyrmlord Kharn

Umbrella Jacket

Back of the Napkin Site

Oni Jacket

Standing Bear Soccer Crest


More Soon

who is trey nickel?

I am an artist. I am also an writer. I’m also a coach and an athlete and a brother and a businessman… even a model. But above all else…

I am a storyteller.

I believe that in every moment, there is a story. My purpose is to capture and share those with others. I strive to inspire with my work. Whether an exploration of existing worlds or the genesis of entirely new ones, my work is meant to catalyze new stories. The places and characters I’ve born witness to have inspired me in innumerable ways, and it is my goal to capture for others the same magic that left me determined to never grow up. May your dreams flow freely as the tides of the oceans.

get in touch

Questions? Thoughts? Ideas? Whatever you want to share, you can reach out to me on socials or contact me by clicking below. I look forward to hearing from you!